Since 1911 there is a museum in Rochsburg Castle. Already on the way, you can experience some of the castle’s highlights. These include the stunning half-timbered wall-walk on the Northern defence wall, the once explosive magazine in the outer bailey, the monumental keep with its one-hand watch of 1640, the 53-meter deep well in the inner courtyard of the inner bailey as well as the castle chapel “St. Anna”. After recent extensive restoration work, the chapel has returned to its former glory.
Inside of Rochsburg Castle, our museum invites you to experience the castles 800-year history at first hand. Explore how people once lived here in the representative rooms where you can see furnishings of the 16th to 19th century and the ancestral portrait gallery of the Lords of Schönburg. In the exhibition “The Men Make the Clothes” you can gaze at 52 selected examples out of 1,000 years of fashion history and also at on what was worn underneath. In the museum’s exhibition halls, you can find changing special exhibitions on art, artistic craftwork and history.
In the Big Cellar, the exhibition “Clay, Reed, Stone – Materials not only for Pharaohs” informs about natural building materials.